Saturday, August 7, 2010

What a world we live in...

Sometimes you just need a good firm smack in the forehead!

I had to post about this. We are winding down summer vacation with school starting Monday. In preparation I decided to get rid of some of the stuff we have tossed in the garage. So I got onto the Citrus County Freecycle group and posted and offer for a stereo cabinet. We have a large screen TV and the table below it made the need for the cabinet obsolete.

Now I grew up with a blessing I never knew I had. I was born with common sense. Not that I don't make a major blunder once in a while... but I do have common sense. I never knew that everyone didn't until I went to nursing school and met people that could look at someone who was pale, in a cold sweat, with flushed cheeks and have them not know that something was wrong with the patient without taking their temperature, blood pressure and so on. It blew me away. Since then I have met many such people and not just in the medical field.

I just got home an hour ago and read a response, two weeks after the listing on Freecycle mind you, from someone who was interested in the stereo cabinet and had a few questions. This is the exact email minus identifying information:

"do you still have that stereo cabinet. id be very interested if it is still in good shape. does it play Cd's and have a working radio?"

Yeah... that is quoted exactly. I had lots of stuff go through my head on how to respond. You know this person left themselves open for a whole slew of responses. I didn't want to be mean but I did want to instill some thought into the sender. This was my response:

"No I don't have it... but I have to ask... Have you ever seen a stereo CABINET that can play Cd's or radio channels? If so please let me know because I want to see that cabinet."
Have a great day!!

Welcome to my world!! How's yours?
