Tuesday, July 16, 2013

One day you will have a child just like you...

My youngest daughter is named Margie. She is my mother's curse and I didn't know that when I gave her my Mother's name. But she is me all over again. Talk without thinking, thinks things outside herself make her bigger, better, more special, smart, etc. Constantly upsetting her brothers and sisters and anyone else close enough to hear the words that are coming out of her mouth. Like telling someone how to do something that they have been doing forever and she hasn't done once. Oh yeah... this one is me through and through. And my mother's curse because you know how Mom's always say one day you are going to have a kid just like you and then you'll see. LOL Well, anyway, Margie's biggest thing is she will not engage her brain before she speaks or acts. So today we went to the beach and when we got home Margie took her sister, Katie's, robe and left her with nothing to put over herself so she had to stand around in a wet suit while her robe laid on the floor of the bathroom while Margie showered. So I got on to Margie about this and not using her brain to consider others. Reassuring her that I was upset with her because she had a great brain and was very smart when she utilized it. And suddenly I had an epiphany. The perfect way to get her to see what I was talking about. I told her to imagine going outside and having a big yard of sandspurs to walk across. At the edge of the concrete leading to the yard is a pair of sandals to put on. The sandals are there to help her get across with the least stress and pain. It's up to her to use them or not. I told her, "This is just like your brain. God gave you a brain to help you get through life with the least stress and pain. But it's up to you to use it or not." Of course the lesson was clear, but we are talking mini-me so who knows if that will sink in or not. I can remember my siblings and parents trying over and over to give me instructions on what I did, thinking before I spoke and so forth and I still didn't get it. I am trying to get through to Margie so she doesn't have to go through what I did in life. The only good thing about it all... is I know that even if I don't she will still be ok in the end just like me. :o)*