Monday, August 8, 2016


Words... The right words. It's one thing I'm always in search of... the right words. As the Mom to 13 I am always considering my words. I tell my kids, young and older, that they should think before they speak and consider always what good their words will do before they speak them. If they won't do good then keep them to themselves. In a perfect world we might all do that, right?

Words can save you in a bind. Words can come back to haunt you. They can lift you up and they can slam you down. They can create moods, good and bad. They can build mountains and crumble them just the same. They can express love and hate with equal acuity. They can bridge gaps and burn bridges. There is nothing words can't do. Encourage. Discourage. Build. Break. Soothe. Rile up. The list could go on and on.

The best thing, and in some cases the worst, words can bring back the dead. Whether people you loved or ghosts of things best forgotten. Words are a powerful tool. It's so easy to be careless with them. Two words I hate... "Just sayin'" And five more just as bad... "It is what it is." Oh to live in a word without rude comments swished away by "Just saying." Or a persons hope dashed with "It is what it is," as if nothing can change it. Words...

Words... I want to use them to inspire and lift people up. I want to use them to bring back the good memories of those that have gone before me to share with those that never got to know them. I strive to encourage with my word. To break the negative cycle that it seems the world has fallen in to. I teach my children there are bad words, unkind words, crude words and careless words. All should be avoided. Mom has a choice few that are just crude words that are referred to as things like, "The other F word," or, "The other S word."

Words... If only we could all find the right ones...